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Sos! Falling In Love With A Moth! CHAPTER LIST

Sos! Falling In Love With A Moth! summary:

Season One Summary: Miao Xiao Fan is a normal girl, but her mom is a gu master. After cultivating her own gu, she wants to let him live in our home!? Xiao Fan’s peaceful life has turned upside down! Moths are so gross! *gu: 蛊虫. A worm that needs to be cultivated that, when strong enough can shapeshift into other forms. When mature enough, their masters (gu masters) can implant them into other beings and can usually take control of those beings.
Chapter name View Time uploaded
Vol.1 Chapter 3221,463January 2023
Vol.1 Chapter 2285,791January 2023
Vol.1 Chapter 1567,267January 2023
Chapter : Dropped Notice874,486January 2023

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